Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Living european

You can order un quarto of the house wine for the price of a glass in the states. I better get rid of this habit when I come back, but it's typical.

Also, Italians are odd. I saw a gas station attendant smoking a cigarette right by the pump and a barrel of oil - wow. And I saw one guy who used two hand dryers at once - one for each hand. Haven't seen too many oddities, but those were worth noting.

Also, I must look English/French/Italian since people keep asking me for directions on the street - or maybe I just have one of those faces. I understood it in London - but I'm not dressed near chic enough to be thought Parisian or roman - but they keep asking!

Oh, one more note: you'd think they'd play Italian music in Italian restaurants - no - they play Arrowsmith, Lady Antebellum and all the hits of the 70s - today - I figured on violin music but I was wrong. It was like this in Paris too.


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